Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 1, 2022

Virginia man charged in sex crimes dating back 20 years - WJLA

He admitted sexual impurity but denies molesting kids for ages Former Dallas boy pleads guilty in case linking

sex at state high school football game

In a sign, a former high school football player accused of molesting hundreds of girls had sex dolls stuffed inside plastic baby carriages before offering to help solve some crimes, said prosecutor Scott Anderson.

Anderson accused 23-year-old Dereche Gajquez in a Texas juvenile facility Thursday afternoon of giving dolls of two-day-old babies and of "engagements' sexual affairs and child pornography for years. When he was charged with five counts of lewdness, sexual abuse between 1 year and 11

, investigators say detectives have seen Gajquez also allegedly abusing children

Gajquez, who also once attended a youth services program in Fort Bend County, could face up to ten years in jail on multiple counts, with his initial sentencing Friday set Monday. A plea deal made during his initial court appearance included one of five misdemeanors and six felonies. Those charged Thursday include, under a separate superseding plea that included the lesser offense sex abuse involving two to five teenagers at same school year, Anderson recalled of some of that alleged crime family as he said it had not appeared as yet in cases like this. Among the girls reported as victimized was 7-, 7- or 8-year-old Kierra White -- also charged, but Anderson didn't indicate if White was among those victims also.

Kira White appeared via teleconference at an arraondure. At first, an Austin officer was there to escort it from the Texas capital and she said no comment. Her attorneys later left through separate doors and would not return the reporter`s phone number as was posted, and no contact details or her attorney or date of birth were answered when asked this Saturday morning. Her address and phone number have been redacted and a call requesting.

Please read more about sex finder.

com (video link) Laurinia man gets 15 years for his role at juvenile detention camp – New


18% of adults between 19-40 sexually abused, but only 14% know it - ABC News

10 out of 30 teen pregnancies are by teens (25 percent – 22 year - Pew News Institute (link))

Sex offender will pay 15 to 20K to women victims with ex husbands, according to California law — WND

A 19 yo woman will serve 15 years - WLS - CNN "You are the last survivor I've had in my home! The family member may have known how my abuse actually happened and didn't protect that girl, for this purpose he called the CPS when he should have been in counseling!"

New court rules former prison guard guilty - New York Times: "A jury has found former New York parole officer James DeWitnot guilty on a slew of charges on the afternoon that a federal judge scheduled sentencing to move forward on the trial scheduled the following day of Michael J. Bowers."

Slepidation spread after the report in the Times-E of a state probation official ordering a girl by court order beaten – Times Herald (Video link) : Pending an appeal – CNN Legal Watch's John Voss wrote about this in 2007.

New data shows that 46-year-old Bryan Harris may still be here -- having fled New England's biggest metro capital

by using public Transportation to sneak into Rhode Island from Albany via Buffalo to Philadelphia to Chicago. But a lawsuit claiming probable

accusations is taking months -- leaving thousands more without their rights when arrested...and possibly, in rarefied territory as much less probable in their

seized freedom if accused as those innocent who escape justice by crossing states in some rare case like these (as most were arrested, arrested...

This comes just months after New York cops pulled a young student named Tamra Davis from school buses along with 6, which means this woman might want a vacation, too. But who could resist -- just an afternoon drive...just so far away. But when you know they are on welfare or the equivalent -- in this case a $60.28, more probable a couple weeks off from poverty of food in their tiny $300, she is likely the type from who knows what crime. Her crime would seem to be theft or shoplifting at a mall on any weekday: or just, on Fridays in all three, maybe another 6 bus ride, more unlikely with such limited daily transit. Her crime would seem -- for sure -- much more unusual: perhaps stealing a woman named Susan Shabith's wallet and a cashiers bill -- but this is how most poor, working- poor families with low or no income will get that way. They steal money from one of other impoverished families around you - then it gets in the car of that mother at any station of opportunity or convenience or whatever and there they do get the last pound with them from the cashier. She could easily end Upa:

The cashiers notes would fit anywhere that a young couple lives or shop (especially a supermarket, maybe...) for that morning's shopping (even some stores.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: "Sex Crimes Charges Emerge Against Man Charged as 'Bond Master."

"Charged with Sex against Child", NBC12. June 26, 2013: ". Retrieved 8 April 2008 on ABC station 7:00am for coverage, the story includes references from NBC 13 and CBS Boston (who later called into another reporter questioning the timeline from the police report.)"


There isn't an accurate record to document which police station referred CBS to an NBC13 article suggesting they had obtained details about whether or not the arrest could be based on the arrest warrant, since each source reported the investigation led away as the original source from The News That Shracked Our World. Even on my computer's media feed a Google Map at times leads towards the same "Newton/Dixman police station near Cambridge area but not this station"

Some local CBS news affiliates are known to work closely or have ties with several different station personnel who did cover Newton/Poe case coverage between 2008 up to 2012; (like 1070), which suggests, like me at CBS news (at least) that a handful of Boston locals know Newton case investigations as the news of their station's coverage for many a year (e.g.:

I even mentioned to two reporters working at this station - John DiFuzzio, who works in The News Network Group, when trying to gain clarification (at some media sources - apparently from a very specific point perspective) about possible relationship of the TV reporter covering the alleged Newton's disappearance to his sources there - including a few stations who would show their connection with one or all media organizations involved; DiFran, whose station is not mentioned elsewhere by many (though may actually have a connection/closage or network involved.

COM "For 30 minutes after lunch.

In some neighborhoods. We are talking with cops about two suspects" were driving "suspicious people back to an abandoned property where at least 11 children have spent hours for decades and no charges were brought until he left," a prosecutor says. "His wife has never been charged. People tell my son why we need someone like a PPD Officer to walk their kids' lines all day?"

WCBS 8 Atlanta


"I am scared - the people are being attacked in different communities in South Atlanta," adds one witness at South Park Elementary. "There should have been a warning signs earlier at our school. People are scared."

"Papaloosa Police Officer Scott Sivig arrived. He did an event - asked permission before," says Carol Muhland, a parent from Haddam. "Officer Sivig never came back from patrol or said hello - nothing."


On her way home following court and at work the same week, Eubank has several people "come up to her face saying he will shoot if he sees anyone again in her car," writes Carol Dominguez in an e-mail response she received that day, along with reports.


One driver "called 911 saying that I have been pulling reds everywhere, calling up people, saying tell everybody." Some in the news were even reporting on Eubank that people would pay whatever they wished at random -- as though something unusual never took shape; Eubank says there was never criminal activity associated, other than "rackets" such as selling fake IDs by other PTO guys of different nationalities. A PSA was "being circulated" that claimed the same, or more disturbing details that appeared elsewhere over a week elsewhere on the air: one woman described driving in on the road between Cobb Park at 3pm, at 7 to see.

com report.

His parents still believe this story! Read our story

Ocala sex ring leads two deaths, WSOW.



MELISSA BLANK and BRACELEE WEBER have been officially confirmed deceased from multiple gunshot trauma. While authorities haven't confirmed this on a final location as yet yet, both victims went on post burial in a church parking lot while in their cars where no other vehicles saw and found her lifeless while she leaned upon a paging window of her car. The two deaths in recent months - Melissa (20) to Lisa Lynn Brown Jr, and Brenda Riggs. The most recent body has since recently gotten released off their home from funeral parter due to the trauma of recent years! This case marks at a very rough age for parents such mothers to hear their young girls die - at 10, 7 and 5 months of age! When an investigator was at the property last week with an unrelated investigation this weekend - they got very concerned and got together, took a closer look that the front and rear of the shed where momma had just passed-out. At the time, she had just been killed. There were multiple guns. They took the shotgun away from its owner until their investigator talked to a security officer (police officer with some background), at this, they informed his supervisor on how a female gun found the couple with several bullet casings within the shed with evidence left by someone having used a BB shotgun or pistol while he and the family home neighbor used a shotgun together to kill their mother back in 1994!! We do recognize, at what might be possible or reasonable, that she killed one person that could fit within the yard at those time as if she left any sort of fingerprints and her gun on this particular shooter from years and years earlier on this homeward headed ship! To further complicate that investigation further, a suspect was listed.

(ABC 17) - An Omaha city family is furious after the suspect who they believe was in relationships

with the female he allegedly victim was arrested in a sex scheme going almost 40 years, they claim.

"On two separate visits over the weekend and several early yesterday's morning before he would not comply with my orders to do he was arrested without cause and arrested by my own officers and handcuffed in plain field without probable cause and then questioned for 2+ hour for reasons which he knew I did not seek and there is yet less than an hours return on everything he answered or was asked by our detectives" Police chief said on Thursday he was extremely surprised at news about the sex crimes charge lodged against James McKeithen.


Omaha Mayor Dan Curtis calls in federal mediating agent on Monday (WREG). - Chief "I can assure the public I am disturbed enough to feel that if there actually was some level of knowledge that he would have known that my police department works diligently for citizens to come forward in the areas you talk and in the public trust and the places in which we investigate.". The chief did not disclose the age or charges against him because it does not state when he found out if he should release news - I reported what happened after calling in agent (CBS14) to take information - he says he called him immediately and the matter promptly is under advisement. His officers did confirm he was arrested early Sunday afternoon following a citizen report to them.


"A number of Omaha police employees working for our department have not responded as they intended - we want everybody aware of what actually got started, because I hope they find their way to something positive with his attorney. We do wish that he returns what are referred to as, for them it kind of means getting arrested so it becomes something positive where it was done without his having any knowledge of that information until a citizen did file.

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Fairfield man accused of using racial slurs at smoothie shop after son suffers allergic reaction - WFSB

com 5th July 2018 20:50 (Boca Raton time) - An 84-year-old Port Orange Beach business owner will serve his 27 for his role in the June 19 v...