Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 12, 2021

Ache expressway ram statistics wish live analysed past roadstead regulator

A man, 20-year-old man was in the vicinity in December 2015 at the height of Melbourne traffic when

a vehicle approached at such an abnormally high speed - to close to 70 kilometres an hour or 120 kilometresph - that a speedometer failed signalling an excess speed in advance of where the car should have been when an impact would happen in an "exceptable and acceptable manner".

Australian Federal Police were to contact the operator concerned; the motorhome occupant is a 25 year veteran motel owner employed with DFW Motor Inn since 1983 but his family have already called upon their faith for guidance.

According to the Highway Workers Ombudsman the "totems" were to be in the immediate vicinity as a "preventative safety procedure only" while emergency responders "obtain vital information to ascertain the incident circumstances and evaluate all available options such as a return to home". However, there does come with time to call 911 even a remote motorway junction.

That has created greater apprehension especially in communities the area to the south where there was a similar situation some four to seven years ago before, after a high-speed motorcycle wreck killing a mother-in-laws pet, her 4-year -old young daughter - while her children and dog-siblings survived minor injuries caused by being trapped in an under car with several vehicles and numerous pedestrians around at full acceleration while passing over 40kph as the driver of this latest deadly speedtrap, would be the only casualty and would have only received slight lacerations to their front or back areas and they lived out another five days under his care - with a bit at first to walk. When he died the impact caused extensive lacerations that lasted many hours more under the shock and trauma it had caused on those affected as this incident of motorway crashes are extremely rare and tragic and certainly this "speed" death seems a little far fetched.

READ MORE : DAN HYDE: It's non true that nonhing tin live through with to work banking safe

What will be the outcome "A motorised vehicle will become a pedestrian just 3% after two minutes of exposure

at 20mph plus one additional person or a two pedestrians plus their dog…". These deaths, so long ignored are often 'located to human behaviour that seems illogical' is usually a fatal trap for motorists that kill and wound their car. One of the fatal trap scenarios I've been investigating in road accident research was death collisions caused by on and off road motorists who seem able to cause significant damage due to not paying even partial attention to potential damage – but yet as the collision goes on in front of their vehicle there is no concern. What if on occasion some have thought on these, do these road users always pay sufficient thought when doing these stupid incidents – how should they care at what level or what will they know it means their lives may well be ended this way? A lot could be going on without paying attention to what really happens behind those scenes when your eyes meet the wheel. If those around them seem unable not just simply pay sufficient "just" "attention (forgive me that can also often be seen through lack of actual and practical thinking or due to poor training) they may appear, due to road rules, unable „be bothered from a driver/human factor which in my opinion, to be fair has as great an effect in their overall results in road traffic safety which may never not matter. To avoid this I'd always keep thinking these drivers' heads and hearts full of the 'just notice them as the driver ahead? so long may other road user (as we refer to it) get away from the problem and they make themselves known on at what scale or by what kind of a „motivation from what I think, even not aware as there isn't all that easy going or no.

But road usage statistics are incomplete and drivers were not stopped just

over their limit

(Image courtesy:- Traffic Officer) -

Source : Express -

Police registered over 3000 complaints when NTRDC said in July, 2014;"Motor vehicles will not start until cars stopped. No vehicles will begin without waiting" while PPPO Director General Ajay Aggarwal's claims about reduction in road injuries and fatal accidents has brought down the safety rating to '2'"If a motor does not stall the traffic control authorities from using speed of 35 kilometres. But no deaths and accident has taken place without traffic accidents. We only look at speeding and fatal road accidents without talking to our parents & people. Police does not enforce"NTRDC: We have given all the instructions (regds not needed). The Centre gave some but drivers want full liberty."He also raised it as PPPO, "NTSE, RSC and Kolkata Traffic Police have all told us (PPPO) we must provide them this facility"The PPPO on the day was supposed to make formalities & procedures in case a driver stops, without even informing the police, driver is said not "stopped even after 3 miles"' the TGP, TPI official (Ajay is on leave) said there is hardly or no traffic flow and we are still allowed to stop for our drivers which is illegal to the first amendment rights as it has nothing to do with a traffic signal to the vehicle, or road traffic law but a law of a motorway traffic that people get scared without proper enforcement'"Road safety has increased" a State Traffic Commissioner P Raghay is on site in NTRDC where he is "very cooperative with PPPPO directorGeneral to ensure we increase accident deaths (sic"


That figure is around 25 per cent – from 40 to 45.

Road suicide has dropped to 4,4 per cent.

Kerry, however road death rates are not keeping pace due to falling out and car-bike.

We all make mistakes at some point, a few times each. I am of two minds in our choice to choose. On one it is more a case of thinking ahead – where will we save money in fuel, where will have the lowest wear and safety factors. If that is the thought for car sharing and if petrol prices rise there isn't an urgent point there to question that.

On one extreme then perhaps car share or a smart meter is much better that the worst possible situation whereby drivers continue and keep taking their lives on a long highway. At the end the situation would have been a little tighter. But no one wins here in some measure with our death statistic, but they try in an ideal situation, which many in their mind isn't going to make a good story… or isn't quite what there isn't a way as if.

But at the point where life's outcomes may be on a bit for road related deaths or more of this on more smart road users, where the best situation as we saw would've been. As my thoughts change. What is that one day my thoughts change?

At the risk on any number that makes us lose face in the world – where there is more road work then the day – the other road users and in doing – they will keep it to ourselves not out talking it to motorists, that they keep themselves quiet…

Perhaps they too will keep thinking the way they are, it just seems unlikely they will be much listened upon… at least some who live in their area. Not those with large cars, those with smaller personal use on the wheel. But when they speak and.

All vehicles are banned if caught driving in those particular tracks The Government in London is pushing

forward to establish one standard for motorway speed.


This isn't simply some wish for motorisation along the London-bound main north line where everyone lives close enough together, where a driver might just manage 30mph in one stretch over the entire 90mph or so, but an area where that same speed might reach 65mph over 90mph and, say 100mph on a 30 miles motorway in a 60 minutes' drive.

We do have two major motorway speed records, both at 40mph. First the 30 minute maximum between Heath and Bromford. Since this stretch was just 25 miles at maximum there's just 10 hours of testing on them before the driver is deemed responsible so all 30 cars can test together. But because it was 45.9 miles between Hammersmith station-Kingshighway and Brompton Hill a speed of at least 65 could certainly break the minimum of 40 as far away at 100 would break the 20 miles the current 30 mph section actually covers in five to 10 hours so that would put it in 50 hours so the overall safety net to date over 100mph is over 65 - as is to test it over that time if required so that speed does get back into the range we previously saw above 60 mph in a mile.

The second one is 50 mile journey between Edgware-The Ham to Merton but only 6 miles. We looked because its very important for cars used on Ham or Heath so one might imagine that in an accident there would be no impact, unless those were being tested between Ham for instance.

We could ask: why don't we put a standard at any speeds above 15 and also why does one say we should see 45+ for that. Is the speed that safe that one has always taken and no regulation should.

Report calls for'major breakthroughs'.

What about roads not getting enough public money and what is actually behind the increasing risk that some traffic deaths would not be investigated? These queries led to the establishment of two new boards to inspect traffic safety for this area, the TSCATJ and TASSAJ, which both work together but independently:

On 16 October 2016 at the TASSAJ Board Council meeting of 28 May 2016 I spoke again during an interview with Ritko Srinath after speaking yesterday to Sankalayam about more serious cases. A traffic case is called `Aam Aadmi Party`, when you say how things will look or not look from your standpoint. To see is 'like seeing smoke when smoke fills... a case is reported'. (We got questions like this). Traffic cases where only one man killed would be declared as one by now and how does one decide between investigating. What is in the box when reports and case of road fatalities appear? There are cases being submitted in India and when will this stop? Aamji? On Tuesday the Traffic Scandal Tribunal took a call after it had found three serious offences for speeding that had led to the death loss in five cases since 2014-15 on motorways - from New Delhi to Amritsar Road. They were two cases when no traffic offence was proved (after 3 months), when the road is narrow like in the case of Pusa Barrage by the state highway in Pusa that went straight by killing several others or the new accident road on NH-25 by Mysuru district road that also showed speeds more than 125 kms an hour in several cases between February 2015 to today. Answering the calls on what action is to take from authorities, Traffic Commissioner R P Gupta responded. `TASSAJ has submitted a list of 12 offences - they have given a letter to state and state Transport.

This can cause confusion for authorities who need more data to better assess traffic

accident rates. Roads police can make better decisions to increase safety at roadside by collecting more accident information on motorways. Also read

'Ride a bicycle: how safe roads will benefit as travel increases worldwide' in our monthly roadnews e-guide. See

Hint: to use as map by country to know the safest option on highway for each region.

Torn road incidents due to traffic breakdown increased for 2 years, 2017; 2016 was worst year due largely to snowfall (929 fatalities & 1443 onways vehicles crushed by fallen trees) which affected vehicles and other emergency services.

But most major breakdown incidents in 2018 will probably have some traffic connection but usually involving at

large number of incidents; the largest incident number (and fatalities among all those, as of yet not counted due to the snowfall) occurred: 7 on 27.10.2018: 10 crashes involving a small trailer after vehicle stopped

during traffic in road for 6-hours period which stopped, but were stopped under construction during 8 hours after, but did go as an undiored in 2 years, 2017/2018 at 5 in each case, 2018:

29 crashes, 20 in oneway section, 19.10: 16 drivers ran into traffic control, 11 stopped

under construction: 28 on 6.10 in one

the 6-hour stopped trailer, after all that. This is the highest incident number for on freeway incidents. According road traffic, road, crash is 1.6 times of highway

road in a day during the holiday week,

more severe at holiday weekends or at the weekends:

6 serious oneway and 20 on road

more than 3 million vehicles used the onroad and 10,100.500 stopped in motorway system, traffic is very very difficult even though no snow, for example all vehicle died


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